
நொச்சி பொடி | Nochi Powder – 50g

Original price was: ₹70.00.Current price is: ₹45.00.

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  • தசை சுளுக்கு வீக்கம் மற்றும் வலிகளைக் குறைக்க இது உதவுகிறது. செரிமானத்திற்கு உதவுகிறது. மாதவிடாய் ஓட்டத்தை அதிகரிக்க இது உதவுகிறது. உடலின் பொதுவான வலிகளைக் குறைக்க உதவுகிறது. கல்லீரலை அதன் ஆரோக்கியமான சுரப்புகளுக்கு தூண்ட உதவுகிறது

About Nochi (Chinese Chastetree):-

It is a large aromatic shrub, with small bluish purple flowers, found throughout India.There are three types – Venn Nochi, Karu Nochi and Nir Nochi. Venn Nochi is the more commonly seen tree. Nir Nochi is found on the banks of the Thamiraparani river in Tamil Nadu.The Nochi tree is a nice tree to have in the garden. It is easy to propagate from cuttings about two cm thick. It grows wild in rural Tamil Nadu, India.

Internal Benefits of Nochi (Chinese Chastetree):-

In Ayurveda,  It helps to reduce the swelling and pains of joints and Muscle sprains.

As Herbal Medicine, Helps in digestion and Its used for burns,post childbirth problems,fever,muscle sprains, scandy urine, antiseptic, nervine, emmenagogue ,migraine.

In Nattu Maruthuvam, Due to its warm potency it helps to increase the menstrual flow in those who have scanty periods (menstrual flow).

As one of Herbal Remedies, Helps to control the discharge through ears.

It is a Herbal Product, Helps to provide healthy eye sight.

Helps to reduce the generalized pains of body.

Helps in stimulating the liver for its healthy secretions.

External Benefits of Nochi (Chinese Chastetree):-


How to Consume Nochi (Chinese Chastetree) Internally:-

Morning – Mix 5 gms of powder in 100 ml water, Boil the content for few minutes. once the water gets warm, filter the content and drink it before food. Repeat the same for Evening Dosage after dinner.

How to Apply Nochi (Chinese Chastetree) Externally:-


Procurement & Agriculture Method:

90% of Our Herbs are Wild crops and 100% organic by nature,  remaining 10% are organically grown, dried, and pulverized with no chemical or preservatives.


The Consumption details and benefits listed out in our website are taken from Tamil ancient books and Siddha records, as well as its been further fine tuned by our Siddha Doctors Team. Any how you are requested to consult your Doctor before use.

Nochi Benefits in Tamil:

  • தசை சுளுக்கு வீக்கம் மற்றும் வலிகளைக் குறைக்க இது உதவுகிறது
  • செரிமானத்திற்கு உதவுகிறது
  • மாதவிடாய் ஓட்டத்தை அதிகரிக்க இது உதவுகிறது
  • உடலின் பொதுவான வலிகளைக் குறைக்க உதவுகிறது
  • கல்லீரலை அதன் ஆரோக்கியமான சுரப்புகளுக்கு தூண்ட உதவுகிறது

Additional information

Weight 50 g

Tamil Name

நொச்சி இலைப் பொடி


Country of Manufacture



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